Thursday, April 16, 2009


I just thought I'd drop in and say I'm here, I'm fine, and I'm exhausted! I've tried several times to write something but just haven't had time lately. So, I'm typing this and heading to bed.

At the moment I'm watching "Romance on the High Seas" with Doris Day. She's one of my favorites! I have several of her movies on my TiVo and I'm trying to get them onto a DVD so I can watch them whenever I want but not have them take up the precious space on my TiVo. LOL!

Today the girls and I helped set up a $5 Christian Book Store. They are opening tomorrow morning at 9am and we got most of the books that have arrived on the tables. We walked and carried books and dug them out of box cubes the size of a pallet. When we got so deep into them we had to turn them on their sides to get the rest of the books out. Savannah was sitting in one and looked like a little 5yo. It was cute but no one had a camera out. LOL!

Anyway, the girls will be working however many hours they can get. I'll be working to fill in for my friend and helping out when she needs me. Probably not very many hours over all but could be quite a few next week.

We've also been busy planning our home school Prom and Graduations and all that goes into getting ready for those. They are coming up WAY too quickly now that we are a week and 5 weeks away from them.

And we have an awesome praise! Our little church collected over 1/2 the money Savannah needs for her mission trip to China. If you would like to help or just read about it, check out her blog.

Well, I'm ready to go to bed so I'll try to write more when I have some time and something semi-interesting to write about. =)