Saturday, January 30, 2010

. . . . . . . . . . . Shingles still...

So, here we are one week later. I've had Shingles for 2 weeks and they are beginning to heal - scabbing over. However, I still get headaches along the nerve line and I can't wash my hair properly just yet. Even pulling it back still pains me.

I did see an ophthalmologist on Tuesday. He confirmed I was NOT contagious unless someone who has never had chicken pox was to get the fluid from a burst blister on them. He also confirmed I did NOT have shingles IN my left eye. And confirmed that both my eyes are great (not that I can see without help). He called my family doctor to let him know his findings. Then wrote me a prescription for an antibiotic ointment for my eye. Also said family doc was calling in prednisone for to start taking. It helps with the postneuropatic (sp?) pain that can happen. Oh, during his exam, they dilated my eyes to be sure they were seeing everything necessary. WONDERFUL! I didn't bring a driver with me!

Yep. So I have to TRY to focus to sign the credit slip to pay with our Health Savings Account card. Walked outside and bam! Can't see! It was a BRIGHT SUNNY day. I know I looked crazy walking to the opposite end of the parking lot with my hand shielding my face, fumbling with my keys and phone. Why the phone? It kept ringing
and I couldn't see who was calling. LOL

So I was able to drive fine. Had a busy afternoon which included going to the pharmacy to pick up said Rx's. Yeah. Prednisone is about $10 for 3o pills and it takes about 12 days to take them all. Big deal. Antibiotic eye ointment is another story. $90 for a teeny tiny tube. Then the instructions say to put a 1/2" squirt IN your eye FOUR times daily! SHEESH! I'd hate to know what I'd have to do had I actually had Shingles IN my eye!!

Ok. So I've had a busy week and I've done ok for the most part dealing with all this. However, I like to look nice for church. Can't wash my hair properly and it hurts to pull it back. No real good way to make it appear to be clean and all so I think I'm staying home tomorrow/today. Besides, the crusty stuff on my face still isn't pretty although it definitely is less red each day than the day before. Don't want to scare the little children!

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