Sunday, March 28, 2010

. . . . . . . . . . Saving Money

Just when we had about depleted my stockpile of toilet paper, paper towels and a few other items, I gathered my coupons together, culled the expired ones, filed the new ones and started checking out the sales this week before they expired today. Kroger had several items I needed for great deals and many of those were of the "buy 8 and save $4 off your order." I ended up saving $12 on my entire order just because I purchased enough of those items. 

Then I had my coupons. Fortunately for me, the Kroger stores in our area double coupons $.50 and less all the time. This saved me almost  double what I would have saved overall with my coupons. Not ever one I had was $.50 or less but they do add up!

One of my great deals was that Northern toilet paper was on sale. The 12 double roll packs are usually $8.99 but were on sale for $5.99. I had coupons to save 50 cents on each package. When  Kroger doubled those I saved a total of $1 making them $4.99 per package. WOO HOO!

So, my total savings off my shopping bill at Kroger yesterday as $87 and some change! My bill started off at $213. and my total savings with their sales and my coupons brought it down to $122.

Then, I went across the street to CVS where Dawn Dish liquid was on sale for $.96 a bottle. Normal price is $1.99 each so that was a tremendous savings! Then I had coupons to save $.25 on each bottle. I purchased the limit of 6 bottles that would have been $13.87 including tax and spent only $4.91!

The trick is to watch the sales, hold onto those coupons to match up with the sales and buy enough that you don't need to make that purchase again until the item is on sale and you've accumulated more coupons for that item.

I'm a happy camper with my shopping deals this week!

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