Wednesday, March 3, 2010

WIP Wednesday - Back to the Ribbon Candy project

Well, it's all done...almost. I have the crochet part finished and I'm ALMOST finished with weaving the ends through. I think I have about 6 or 8 more tails to weave and then clip the little pieces sticking out and I'm done. Problem is, Skylar wanted to sleep with it last night and so she did. I need to pull it off her bed today and finish those tails off and then it's done!

I started this post last Wednesday. Skylar has been sleeping with her blanket and LOVES it! She said it is VERY warm. As a result, there are still just a couple of tails I still need to weave and clip. I guess when she washes her sheets this week and has the blanket off her bed I'll finally get a chance to do that. LOL

To play along on Work-in-Progress Wednesday, make your blog post for Wednesday be about something you're working on - some type of craft, renovation project, landscaping, even that novel you're writing. Copy the code below Rosie's picture and paste it into your blog post so that others can follow too, and see the rest of the projects that are posted here.


  1. Still love those colors, and what an appropriate name!

    Thanks for playing along on WIP Wednesday. Can't wait to see your next project!

  2. this is the 3rd post of this I've looked at and read as you've worked along.
    I love the idea of the WIP Wednesday's that Marie Anne has come up with. I'm excited that I found her and have done my first one today.
